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What do people think of our courses? Here is the list of testimonials from the students that have taken our courses:

  • "수업내용이 매우 알찼습니다. 다양한정보를 알려주셨습니다."
  • "여러가지 빅데이터 기술들을 실습해볼 수 있어서 좋았다."
  • "The final project was a great experience. I was able to develop an actual deeplearning model for the first time."
  • "자료 구성과 실습이 도움이 많이 되었습니다. thank you!"
  • "I felt that the professor was sincere in the class. Good to practice many things.(python, webapp, apache superset, html, etc)"
  • "과제에 대한 설명을 항상 친절하게 해주시고 수업도 유튜브에 올려서 다시 볼 수 있게 해주셨다."
  • "설명을 정말 상세히 잘 해주시고 실습 때도 열심히 잘 봐주셨습니다."
  • "교수님이 친정하게 하나하나 알려주셨다"
  • "강의 내용이 재미있고 유익합니다. 그리고 강의내용이 이해가 잘 되어서 좋습니다."
  • "교수님이 직접 오픈채팅방도 파주시며 소통에 되게 신경을 써주고 계신다. 매우 친절하시다."
  • "설명도 잘해주시고 실강때 실습 설명도 잘 해주셔서 공부하는데 전혀 어려움이 없었습니다."
  • "빅데이터에 관하여 많은 정보를 알게 되고 실제 쓰이는 것들이나 실습을 자주 해보게 되어서 좋은 것 같습니다."
  • "Course followed syllabus and was well organized. Professor give a good attention to students. Everybody received their feedbacks and the weeaknesses they should work on. Overall, course was great and definitely worth to take."
  • "Thanks for teaching us with so high quality class! I learned so much of big data from this class and experienced the flow of big data. Have a nice vacation!"
  • "Thank you for this great semester professor!"
  • "Overall the course was designed really good I am happy that I gained knowledge from this course it was really helpful. Thank you Professor"
  • "I really like your class, especially having a chance to work on final project was fantastic!"
  • "I liked the practice session. It was helpful and i was able to learn variable bigdata material such as apache superset. I also like the fact that we got to use Oracle Cloud VM to do our practice session. I've learned alot throughout this course."
  • “He always did his best at preparing the class. After the class, he stayed in the ERP room to help addressing students’ issues and questions.”
  • “It is very difficult concept/subject to understand, but with the provided material by professor, I could understand the subject easier. In addition, even during the weekend, professor always responds the email that I’ve sent quickly.”
  • “The best part of this lecture was that the professor really put in a lot of effort into the class material”
  • “He even made the recorded videos for difficult stuff, so it really helped my understanding”