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Spring 2022

Introduction to Big Data (빅데이터로보는세상)

Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Syafrudin

Course information

This course is intended for students who want to learn big data and its technology. Objectives of this course are as follows:

  • Introduce students the concept of big data and its technology
  • Allow students to experience some of existing big data technology
  • Assist students to apply data analytics using big data technology
  • Allow student to form a group project (max 3 student for each group), to propose idea/case study and develop/utilize big data technology to solve them.


Tue, Thu at 9:00‐10:30 am KST via Hybrid class: Online Real-time Webex & Offline class at B209, starting May 3rd till the end of the semester

Office hours

Appointment by email (Office at AI Center 502호)


Familiar/has experience with data analytics, programming and basic Linux commands


Course material can be downloaded in blackboard and please be aware, that we will not publicly release the homework assignments this year.


주차(Week)강의내용(Class Topic & Contents)강의활동유형(Class Type)
1Course introduction and prospects강의 (Lecture)
2Introduction to Big Data강의 (Lecture)
3Big Data storage강의 (Lecture)
4NoSQL database강의 (Lecture)
5Big Data processing강의+실습 (Lecture + Practice)
6Hadoop and its ecosystems강의+실습 (Lecture + Practice)
7Big Data analytics강의+실습 (Lecture + Practice)
8Mid exam시험 (Exam)
9Big Data analytics with machine learning강의+실습 (Lecture + Practice)
10Cluster analysis강의+실습 (Lecture + Practice)
11Big Data visualization강의+실습 (Lecture + Practice)
12Big Data practice I실습 (Practice)
13Big Data practice II실습 (Practice)
14Group project discussion and development실습 (Practice)
15Group project discussion and development실습 (Practice)
16Project presentation/demonstration실습 (Practice)


The final grade will be calculated using the following weights:

#Final Grade Weight
Assignment(quiz/homework/weekly assignment)15%
Mid exam30%
Final group project40%


There will be a quiz/homework/weekly assignment to complete. Some of them will be due in a week and some of them in two weeks. You have the option to work and submit the homework in pairs for all the assignments except two which you will do individually.

Submitting an assignment

Instructions for turning in assignments will be posted when the semester starts (in blackboard).

Getting help

For questions about homework, course content, installation, and after you have tried to troubleshoot yourselves, the process to get help is: Post the question in blackboard/group chat and hopefully your peers will answer. Note that in blackboard questions are visible to everyone. For private matters send an email to helpline: udin [at] sju [dot] ac [dot] kr.

Course Policies

Collaboration policy

We encourage you to talk and discuss the assignments with your fellow students (and on blackboard), but you are not allowed to look at any other students assignment or code outside of your pair. Discussion is encouraged, copying is not allowed.

Late day policy

Homework is due before each class. Late submission are not allowed.

Communication to students

Class announcements will be through blackboard. All homework and quizzes will be posted in blackboard. Also all feedback forms. Important note: make sure you have your settings set so you can receive emails from blackboard.

Academic honesty

We give a strong emphasis to Academic Honesty. As a student your best guidelines are to be reasonable and fair. We encourage teamwork for problem sets, but you should not split the homework and you should work on all the problems together.